Bizarre UFO(OVNI) accidents happened before the famous Roswell event.

Bizarre UFO(OVNI) accidents happened before the famous Roswell event.

Discover the captivating untold stories of bizarre UFO accidents predating the renowned Roswell incident. Uncover the mysteries surrounding these intriguing OVNI phenomena, illuminating a rich tapestry of extraterrestrial encounters.

Some skeptics would have you believe that the Roswell UFO crash set the trend for reporting this type of strange event.


Bizarre UFO(OVNI) accidents happened before the famous Roswell event.

Unidentified objects had fallen from the sky years before.


6. Aurora, Texas – 1897

A good 50 years before the Roswell event sparked the craze, a large UFO reportedly crashed in the small town of Aurora, Texas.

According to an article in the Dallas News, the UFO was steadily losing altitude when it hit Judge Proctor’s windmill.


the article also reported that a well was also damaged in the accident and its water was contaminated, leading residents to bury it.

Bizarre UFO(OVNI) accidents happened before the famous Roswell event.

the article said:

“The ship’s pilot is believed to have been the only one on board and, although his remains were badly disfigured, enough of the original has been recovered to show that he was not an inhabitant of this world.”

A small ceremony was held at the local cemetery where the small alien body was buried.

Unfortunately for everyone, at the time of the accident, an outbreak of spotted fever was wreaking havoc in the area and the event quickly faded away.

Another interesting aspect is that in 1945 the Judge Proctor property was purchased by Brawley and Etta Oates.

5. Indian Ocean – September 1862

this unusual incident was reported in the May 2, 1897, issue of the Houston Daily Post and centered on a story told by one of the few men who had survived to tell the tale – a Dutch sailor.

He had been part of the crew aboard a ship called Christine.

Bizarre UFO(OVNI) accidents happened before the famous Roswell event.



While on the island, they witnessed an extraordinary event: a giant UFO fell from the sky, crashing into a jagged cliff.

the men mustered up the courage to examine the wreckage and, among the wreckage, found the bodies of several 12-foot-tall men with strange clothing and silky bronze-colored beards.

Only a handful of people survived until rescue came in the form of a Russian trawler, among them the Dutchman.

Although this is nothing more than a sailor’s story, it is nevertheless a very interesting one.

4. Stavropol, Russia – late 1800s

In the 1960s, a Soviet investigation uncovered clues to a UFO crash landing that took place towards the end of the 19th century.

Bizarre UFO(OVNI) accidents happened before the famous Roswell event.

“Three dark-skinned men came out.

As the investigation progressed, officials began receiving letters corroborating the story.

According to Danilova’s grandfather, the device was shaped like an arrowhead and was quickly dismantled by locals, who used the metal to make household items.

the bodies were “buried without crosses or rituals”.

3. Carolines – 1941

this report comes from the famous ufologist Leo Stringfield’s book UFO Crash/Retrievals: Search for truth in a Hall of Mirrors.

In October 1941, Simeone was taking part in a military maneuver “in the Carolinas” when an unidentified object crashed in the area.

the craft was taken to a nearby army post.

Bizarre UFO(OVNI) accidents happened before the famous Roswell event.

the four recovered bodies were described as small and with large bug eyes.

Unfortunately, there is little evidence to support this incident, other than second-hand witness accounts.

2. Dundy County, Nebraska, 1884

the June 8, 1884 edition of the Nebraska State Journal published an article about the crash of a mysterious object and the subsequent recovery of highly unusual debris.

According to the newspaper, local rancher John Ellis and other locals witnessed a hot meteor-like object falling from the sky.

the men rode to the crash site to investigate the incident.

the objects were so hot and burning so hot that none of the men dared go near them.

Upon their return, the men noticed that the objects were actually mechanical parts resembling gears, wheels and propeller blades.

No one knows what happened to the wreckage.

1. England – World War II

Former intelligence officer and Flying Saucer Review editor Gordon Creighton has launched an investigation into the crash of a UFO on British soil at the height of World War II.

the wreckage of the craft was reportedly recovered and investigated by British authorities.

He learned of the incident from a 1955 article published in the Los Angeles Examiner by journalist Dorothy Kilgallen.

Bizarre UFO(OVNI) accidents happened before the famous Roswell event.



Here is an exerpt :

“I can report today on a story that is really scary, not to say scary.

“The source of my information is a UK official of ministerial rank who prefers to remain unidentified.

“We believe, based on our investigation so far, that the saucers were made up of short men – likely less than four feet tall.

“This official quoted scientists saying that such a flying craft could not have been built on earth.

After the article was published, Creighton attempted to contact Dorothy Kilgallen and request additional information.

She died soon after, leading the researcher to believe that “she had effectively been silenced.”

Brazilian ufologist Olavo t.

Another interesting detail was revealed in 1988 by former CIA pilot John Lear.

It seems that the British government managed to keep tabs on this enigmatic accident, as nothing else is known about it.