Learn about humpback whales

Learn about humpback whales

Humpback whales have long been chosen by directors and filmmakers to build many famous enhancements. So why does this line of fish make such a strong impression? Let's find out with Animal Kingdom now.

1. Origin of humpback whales
This strain of fish, scientifically known as Megaptera Novaeangliae, was first discovered in 1756 by scientist Mathurin Jacques Brisson.

Learn about humpback whales

In 1804, this fish was officially classified in the genus Balaenidae and renamed B.Jubartes.
In 1932, scientist Kellogg officially changed the fish name to Megaptera Novaeangliae and is used today.
Fish often live in groups and have the habit of migrating to find food. They are likened to an excellent and powerful water athlete.
2. Appearance characteristics of humpback whales
This fish has a huge size, if not the largest in the vast ocean. Adult fish can weigh from 30 to 36 tons, body length from 12 to 16 meters.

Learn about humpback whales

-The pectoral fins and horns are made of keratin like human hair and fingernails.
- The tip is pointed and has rough spines like a crocodile.
- The small, round eyes are symmetrically arranged on the sides of the head.
- The back is slightly curved and has 2 holes for air exchange (breathing), the belly is curved down, the tail is short.
- The backbone of the fish is very strong but not flexible, making the movement speed quite slow.
- Skin pigmentation has a unique feature that is long stripes designed parallel to each other.
- Under the skin: This is the place where the thick layer of fat is concentrated, helping to keep the body temperature at a constant level.
3. Characteristics of humpback whales
Humpback whales are relatively gentle, intelligent, highly responsible, and always stand up to protect other creatures such as seals, sea lions, gray whales, etc. Fish love to jump up from the water surface. in the air to shake off the parasites and clean the outer skin. However, this is quite dangerous because there have been many cases of fish getting off the boat, causing injuries to tourists

Learn about humpback whales

In addition, the method of communication during their breeding season is also very special. In winter, the male will make a music for about 20 minutes to attract the attention of the female, then proceed to mate.
After giving birth, the mother fish will exclusively breastfeed her baby for about 1 year. When the fry are nearly perfect in skills and physicality, they will gradually separate from their parents and begin their independent survival life.
During rearing, the mother fish often uses the paddle to communicate and show affection to the fry.
4. What do humpback whales eat?
This fish can exist in most seas in the world such as the North Atlantic Ocean, the North Pacific Ocean and the Southern Ice Ocean.
In the summer, fish often move to the polar regions to feed. In winter, they move to the area near the equator to hunt

Learn about humpback whales

The main food is small mollusks, plankton, shrimp, crabs and small fishes. If you pay attention, you will see fish often spray water in the air. This onion will help them identify and localize their prey. After that, will use 2 flippers to speed up and capture the enemy.