One of the casemates at the Longues-sur-Mer gun battery in Normandy, France.

One of the casemates at the Longues-sur-Mer gun battery in Normandy, France.

This battery is located between Omaha and Gold beaches, and is unusual as it still contains most of its original weaponry. This consisted of four 15 cm TbtsK C/36 naval guns, contained within four casemates with walls up to 2 meters thick. The battery engaged the Allied landing fleet on the morning of D-Day after heavy bombardments overnight.

Nestled along the scenic coastline of Normandy, France, lies a silent sentinel of World War II history—the Longues-sur-Mer gun battery. Situated between the iconic Omaha and Gold beaches, this battery stands as a poignant reminder of the pivotal events that unfolded during the Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day. In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the Longues-sur-Mer gun battery, exploring its unique features, its role in history, and its enduring significance as a symbol of courage and sacrifice.

One of the casemates at the Longues-sur-Mer gun battery in Normandy, France.

A Testament to Military Engineering: The Longues-sur-Mer gun battery is a remarkable example of military engineering and strategic planning. Housing four 15 cm TbtsK C/36 naval guns, each contained within heavily fortified casemates with walls up to 2 meters thick, the battery was a formidable defensive stronghold along the Normandy coast. The before-and-after images of the gun battery offer glimpses into its imposing architecture and the sheer scale of its weaponry, which still retains much of its original form and functionality. As we examine these images, we are transported back in time to the harrowing days of World War II, when the fate of nations hung in the balance.

A Battle on D-Day: On the morning of June 6, 1944, the Longues-sur-Mer gun battery played a pivotal role in the Allied invasion of Normandy. As the landing fleet approached the shores of Omaha and Gold beaches, the battery unleashed its deadly firepower, raining down shells on the advancing Allied forces. The before-and-after images of the gun battery evoke the chaos and devastation of that fateful day, when brave soldiers from both sides clashed in a desperate struggle for victory. Despite facing overwhelming odds, the defenders of the battery fought valiantly, determined to hold their ground against the Allied onslaught.

Preserving History for Future Generations: Today, the Longues-sur-Mer gun battery stands as a poignant testament to the courage and sacrifice of those who fought and died on the beaches of Normandy. The before-and-after images of the battery serve as