Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

This vast world exists many kinds of scary mysterious creatures that have been seen by people, but scientists have not yet proven whether they really exist or not, or are they just products of imagination. human statue. They have become the subject of most science films. But with many research topics being created, it is still impossible to answer the question of whether or not they exist? Toplist will list a few scary mysterious creatures for everyone to know, maybe one of us has encountered them once.

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Demon Dover

This creature is named after the town of Dover, Massachusetts, where people saw this creature three times on April 21 and 22, 1977. The first discoverers of this creature was Wiiliam Bartlett (17 years old), while driving on the road, discovered the creature on the top of a broken cliff on Fam Road in Dover. John Baxter (15 years old) also reported seeing the creature in the wooded area of Miller Hill Road at night on the same day.


A third person, Abby Brabham (15 years old), also firmly claimed to have seen the creature the next night at Springdale Avenue. The people who saw this Dover demon described it as follows: The head is very large, the eyes are bright orange, the arms are quite long, the legs are small but long. The skin is hairless, rough, brown in color and looks like a sheet of sandpaper. The face has no mouth, nose, or ears. Nearly 1m tall and emit sounds that sound like hawks and snakes. The figure depicted is also very similar to the aliens in sci-fi movies.

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Demon Dover

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Flatwoods Monster

People who live near the area where this animal has been seen have confirmed that the Flatwoods monster is one of the aliens. The location where this animal was discovered is located very close to the area where the alien spaceship was discovered (Flatwoods town, Braxton, Virginia) on September 12, 1952. According to reports, this monster has at least 10 legs, its face glows with red light and its body is all green. The head is heart-shaped or resembles the ace in the deck. And on this strangely shaped head stood two eyes that weren't human. The body is described as having a figure similar to that of a human and wearing a dark colored dress. It is rumored that this monster has no arms or if it does have short, large arms with long fingers and claws.


At 7:15 p.m. on September 12, 1952, two brothers Edward, Fred May and some of their peers witnessed a bright object cross the sky, and crash into a farmer's farm named G. Bailey. Immediately after witnessing them, they ran back to tell the story to the May brothers' mother, Kathleen May. By that time, she and some of the villagers had come to the hill to determine what the children had seen. Here they discovered the creature. There have been a few similar cases since then, people who have been in close contact with this organism often have symptoms of vomiting and convulsions, which doctors diagnose as exposure to chemicals that can be dangerous. exist in the fog (everyone spots this creature near foggy areas).

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Flatwoods Monster

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Flatwoods Monster

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Mothman and the owl

On November 12, 1966, men digging a grave in a cemetery near Clendenin, West Virginia announced that they had seen a low-flying humanoid from the trees above their heads. This is the first report of the existence of an animal called the Mothman. On November 15, 1966, a young couple moving from Point Pleasant reported to the police that they had seen a white creature with glowing red eyes. Also has a humanoid form and the ability to fly. A few days later there were also reports of similar creatures in the area. Later in the vicinity also appeared a similar creature with the name owl man. In 1976 in Mawnan, Cornwall, this owl-human creature was spotted here. People discovered this creature flying over the Mawnan church tower with a scary face.


Described as a creature with pointed ears, red eyes and claws quite similar to Mothman. The Mawnan owl or owl-man, Comwall is a peculiar humanoid and owl-shaped creature that first appeared in 1976 in the village of Mawnan, Comwall in the United States. The first recorded sight of an owl was on April 17, 1976, when the monster was hovering over Mawnan's church and in August 1978 it reappeared around the church. Its body has similarities with the famous ash-colored Mothman monster. Rumors of owls began to appear more in 1995. This bizarre creature resembles an owl, it is about the size of a human, has red ears, eyes and black claws like crab claws.

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Mothman and the owl

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Mothman and the owl

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

The Scape Ore . Swamp Man

This creature was discovered in the marshy area around the town of Lee, Carolina. With extraordinary strength, the lizard man caused damage to the vehicles when encountering it. The image of the lizard man was described by director Marc Webb through the chemically infected Dr. Curt Connors character in The Amazing Spider - Man. The Scape Ore Swamp or Lizard Man is an anthropomorphic creature rumored to inhabit the marshy areas in and around Lee County, South Carolina, where its habitat is believed to be. in sewers and abandoned subway tunnels in towns near the swamp.


It started appearing on June 29, 1988 and was last seen in February 2008. The first person to see this animal was a local named Christopher Davis, 17 years old. This monster is described as about 7 feet 1 inch (about 2m) tall, has two legs, blue scaly skin and fiery red eyes. It is said that lizard people have three fingers and three toes. There is a membrane between their fingers and feet, allowing it to stick to the ground when walking. It has scales like a lizard. Evidence of monster destruction with unlucky vehicles has shown that this monster has incredible strength, it is capable of throwing a car.

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

The Scape Ore . Swamp Man

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

The Scape Ore . Swamp Man

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Monstruo Bunyip

Bunyip es una criatura misteriosa creada a partir de la mitología de los aborígenes de Australia, esta criatura vive en pantanos, lagos. Descrito como parecido a una estrella de mar gigante, con una altura de más de 30 m. Tiene cara de perro, orejas de caballo, pelaje negro, colmillos de hipopótamo y patas de pato. Aparecido desde 1847 hasta ahora, solo existe en los libros de los aborígenes de esta zona. El Bunyip es una criatura mítica en la mitología aborigen australiana que se dice que acecha en pantanos, canales, lechos de ríos y cuerpos de agua. La palabra bunyip proviene del idioma wemba-wemba (o wergaiano) de los aborígenes del sureste de Australia. Sin embargo, el bunyip ha formado parte de las creencias aborígenes tradicionales de toda Australia, aunque su nombre varía de una tribu a otra.


En su libro de 2001, Robert Holden identificó al menos nueve formas de la criatura llamada bunyip. Muchos informes de bunyip fueron escritos por europeos a principios y mediados del siglo 19. El demonio Bunyip es una combinación de las características de un pájaro y un caimán. Su cabeza se asemeja a un avestruz con un pico largo, en la punta del pico sobresale un músculo transversal a ambos lados, una boca aserrada como el hueso de una raya. Su cuerpo y patas son un poco como un cocodrilo. Las patas traseras son muy gruesas y fuertes, las patas delanteras son más largas pero aún muy fuertes. En la parte superior hay garras largas. Los negros dicen que la forma habitual de matar a una presa es sujetarla hasta que muera. Cuando está en el agua, nada como una rana, y una vez en tierra camina sobre sus patas traseras y con la cabeza en alto, en este estado puede arañar de 12 a 13 pies.

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Monstruo Bunyip

Top 5 Scariest Mysterious Creatures in the World

Monstruo Bunyip

Ha habido mucha evidencia de la existencia de estos organismos, pero los científicos no han convencido realmente, por lo que el gran signo de interrogación sigue siendo si existen o no. Hoy en día, los científicos todavía tienen estudios sobre estas criaturas.