Top 6 Weirdest Dogs in the World

Top 6 Weirdest Dogs in the World

Dog is an animal that is extremely familiar and close to us humans. However, there are interesting things about them that we sometimes do not fully understand. Here, let's learn about the strangest dogs that you may have never seen.

Puli dog

Top 6 Weirdest Dogs in the World

The Puli dog originated in Hungary and was raised by the Magyar people several thousand years ago, used for herding cattle and hunting sheep. There was a time when this breed was almost extinct during the second world war, but then it was restored and is as popular as it is today.
The Puli is unique in that its natural hairs are intertwined, making the dog look like a mop. The feather rolls will continue to grow to the ground if the owner does not cut them. However, it is those thick hairs that keep it from getting wet and reduce pain when bumped. The standard coat color is black, others are gray.
The personality of Puli dogs is very cheerful, energetic and very friendly, very rarely we see it aggressive. This breed is also very loyal and affectionate towards its owner. They also love to play with children and get along well with other family pets, and are very wary of strangers. In particular, these Puli dogs are very intelligent, active and easy to train and make great companions. They are very active so you need to take Puli for a walk or run. They also love water and swim very well. Puli has an average lifespan of 10-15 years and can live longer if lived in a good environment.
Xolo hairless dog

Top 6 Weirdest Dogs in the World

The Xoloitzcuintli hairless dog, also known as the Xolo dog, is a rather strange pet dog that first appeared in Mexico. According to history, this breed appeared about 3500 years ago, specifically in the era of the Aztecs tribe of North America. In ancient times, this hairless breed was revered as a sacred animal by the ancient Aztecs. Therefore, they are often kept for the main purpose of being scapegoats and pets. Not only famous in Mexico, the Xolo hairless dog breed is also widespread from South America to Europe. The Xolo hairless dogs are not only strange because of their hairless skin, but also because of their long necks, bat ears, round eyes, and glossy bodies. Hairless dogs are considered to be very intelligent dogs and are always friendly and close to their owners. They are very loyal and devoted to their owners and family members. Besides, the Xolo dog also has a calm, gentle, obedient and emotional nature. There is a special thing that this dog should avoid the sun and need to be bathed regularly. Lifespan can be as long as 20 years.
Lundehund six-toed dog

Top 6 Weirdest Dogs in the World

The six-toed Lundehund or Norwegian Lundehund is a pet dog in the Spitz group of dogs originating from Norway, with many different appearance characteristics compared to other dogs. One of them is that each of its feet has 6 toes. In addition, the shoulder blades and collar bones are very flexible so dogs can spread all 4 flat legs to the ground to the sides. Its ear canal can also automatically seal to prevent dirt and water from entering. It swims very quickly and is capable of climbing almost vertical cliffs. This breed is the most interesting hunting dog in Norway, originally trained to hunt albatross.
The six-toed Lundehund breed is suitable for family life, with a very friendly and affectionate nature, they love children and are happy with family members. They need to be walked and jogged every day. The coat of this dog often sheds, so it is necessary to brush them daily, bathe them when necessary. This breed does not eat dry or grainy foods because they will suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. The Lundehund six-toed dog has a lifespan of about 12 years.
Chinese Crested Dog

Top 6 Weirdest Dogs in the World

The Crested Dog, or Chinese Crested Dog, is a small breed of dog that originated in China. Some theories suggest that their origin was not China, but Africa. It is possible that in ancient times, large hairless dogs in Africa followed merchant ships to China, and after many generations of breeding, they decreased in size.
The crested dog is a small dog with an average height of 28 - 33 cm, and a weight of about 2 - 6 kg. This unique looking dog almost always wins the ugliest dog on the planet in dog beauty contests. The reason is that their body is hairless except for a crest-like crest on the top of the head, a tuft on the tail and a little on the toes. Hairless, their skin is very sensitive and needs protection when outdoors. Dogs with crests have a fairly long lifespan, from 13-18 years and are healthy, with few diseases. If you want to keep a Chinese crested dog as a pet, you need to bathe and apply lotion regularly to prevent it from drying out or becoming infected.
Catahoula tree climbing leopard dog

Top 6 Weirdest Dogs in the World

Catahoula tree climbing leopards are unique in that they have the ability to climb trees to hunt for prey. It is believed to be one of the oldest dog breeds in North America. Its number one excellent hunting ability has always been praised by American Indians. This dog breed is named after its place of origin, the Catahoula region of Louisiana, USA. Catahoula dogs are very strong, can be trained as hunting dogs, police dogs or family fun.
The Catahoula tree leopard is about 51 to 66 cm in size and weighs about 22.5 to 40.5 kg. They have a single layer, short and dense coat of various colors, usually black, gray, white around the neck, face, legs and tail, and brown often appearing around the face and legs. The eyes are mixed color, usually blue or white with blue tint. The tail can be long and close to the hindquarters or tail, the webbed feet give the Catahoula the ability to work well in the swamp and an excellent swimmer. Catahoula dogs are very intelligent and active dogs, they are very friendly with their owners' families and make good friends with young children. However, they are quite active and often have the habit of digging holes and chewing objects, so it is necessary to limit this habit for them. Catahoula dogs have an average lifespan of 10-14 years.
Neapolitan Mastiff

Top 6 Weirdest Dogs in the World

The Neopolitan Mastiff or the Neapolitan Mastiff is a mastiff that originated in ancient Italy. Although it was formerly used as a fighting dog, it seems to be gentle now. However, the fighting ability is still maintained, so it is a good watchdog. The Neapolitan Mastiff's enormous body weighs 70 kg on average and is 0.8 meters tall. It is easy to associate this breed with Fang the dog in Hagrid's hut in the Forbidden Forest in the Harry Potter movies.
The Neopolitan Mastiff has an aggressive appearance. Big head and many large wrinkles all the way to the neck. The Neapolitan Mastiff comes in red and dark gray colors. The short thick coat is black, gray or fawn, sometimes white on the feet. The eyes are colored to match the coat color. This very rarely barking dog can protect the family very well. Although it looks fierce on the outside, it is gentle, friendly and loves to play with children, brave and resistant to difficulties. During the war this breed was used to fight, catch criminals and act as a guard. It is now also trained to protect people and property.