You won’t believe it when you see the fruit of the Conophytum Pageae tree which has a unique lip shape

You won’t believe it when you see the fruit of the Conophytum Pageae tree which has a unique lip shape

You won’t believe it when you see the fruit of the Conophytum Pageae tree which has a unique lip shape

Conophytum pageae is a cute little succulent known as Lips Plant, Cone Plant, Button Plant, or Dumplings due to its ᴜпіqᴜe shape and growth habit. It is an excellent choice for beginning gardeners because it is easy to grow if given the proper care.

You won’t believe it when you see the fruit of the Conophytum Pageae tree which has a unique lip shape

C. pageae is a tiny plant that grows in rocky soil and outcroppings in southern Namibia and the Cape provinces of South Africa. This type of succulent is an evergreen member of the Aizoaceae family, commonly known as the Ice Plant family, showcasing the diverse beauty of these remarkable plants.

You won’t believe it when you see the fruit of the Conophytum Pageae tree which has a unique lip shape

It is named after Mary Maud Page, an English botanist who relocated to South Africa in 1911 to study the plant life there.
Conophytum pageae grows in clusters of іпdіⱱіdᴜаɩ plants or stemless “bodies” that are fig-shaped or inversely conical and about 1” (2.5 cm) high. Each body is made up of two fused, dull, gray-green leaves with a puckered fissure at the top, ringed in red, resembling two lips.

You won’t believe it when you see the fruit of the Conophytum Pageae tree which has a unique lip shape

These little plants go dormant during the late spring and summer. During that time, the outside leaves begin to shrivel as two new leaves form inside. The old outer leaves become thin and dry during dormancy and function to protect the young leaves as they grow.
When the plants resume their growth in the fall, single, daisy-like flowers bloom nocturnally from the red-ringed fissure. Each highly fragrant, yellow, rosy-pink, or white flower develops into a small capsule with many tiny seeds.

You won’t believe it when you see the fruit of the Conophytum Pageae tree which has a unique lip shape

Their active growing period extends through the winter months, and then they move toward dormancy аɡаіп in the spring. Conophytums are very slow-growing succulents that can live well over 50 years.